Saturday 31 August 2013

Blade Runner (1982) - #11

Empire top 301: #11
IMDb top 250: #124

Rating 10/10

Director: Ridley Scott
Writers: Hampton Fancher & David Webb Peoples
Starring: Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Rutger Hauer, Edward James Olmos & Daryl Hannah

"All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die."

Blade Runner is a timeless, Sci-Fi classic and is certainly in my top 10 list of greatest films ever made. It's a treat for the eyes and the ears and in my opinion it is the greatest movie Ridley Scott has ever and probably will ever make. I've seen every version of the film but last night I watched my favourite, the 2007 Final Cut version. I was never fond of the happy ending in the original theatrical cut and I hated the narration, not just because Harrison sounds like he couldn't be bothered but for me it just didn't work. 

Harrison Ford plays Rick Deckard, a detective who specialises in the retirement (killing) of Replicants (a bioengineered being). He is called upon to retire four Replicants who have escaped from the off-world colonies, one of which is a new, improved and dangerous Nexus 6 Model. Ridley Scotts Blade Runner, based on the novel Do Androids Deam of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick is such a beautiful movie. His dystopian Los Angeles looks as amazing today as it did 31 years ago and has been copied in so many different movies it would be a chore to name them all. 

The production of this movie is stunning. Everything from the sets, to the clothes, to the vehicles have all been beautifully made and no detail is too small. The streets of Los Angeles look grim, and unpleasant and absolutely amazing. The Tyrell Corporation Pyramid building is still stunning as is the Bradbury Building.

The music perfectly encapsulates the feel of the movie, it's a combination of classical music and synthesisers that really fits the retro yet futuristic tone of the film. The piece playing over the closing titles is superb and the perfect way to end what I believe to be a perfect movie. 

Harrison Ford plays Rock Deckard a bit distant and emotionless but the part calls for this. At the end of the day Deckard is a killer and needs to be this way, however his scenes with Sean Young are great and he plays them well. Sean Young is great as Rachael and has never looked better; her outfits are works of art and she wears them beautifully. Rutger Hauer is brilliantly scary and chilling as Nexus 6 Model Roy Batty; even though I've seen the movie about 100 times my heart still beats fast during the climactic scenes in the home of J.F. Sebastian. Daryl Hannah is so gorgeous as Pris and I love her character. 

Not only is the movie a delight for the eyes but the story is great as well and really makes you think. For the most enjoyment watch the 2007 Final Cut with the ambiguous ending, it is the best. I cannot big this film up enough. It is an absolute classic and a MUST WATCH!!! I Love It! 

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