Sunday 11 August 2013

American Psycho (2000) - #156

Empire top 301: #156
IMDb top 250: -

Rating 6/10

Director: Mary Harron
Writers: Mary Harron & Guinevere Turner 
Starring: Christian Bale, Reese Witherspoon, Willem Dafoe & Justin Theroux

"I don't want to get you drunk, but, ah, that's a very fine Chardonnay you're not drinking."

I have read a few pages of Brett Easton Ellis' American Psycho and a few pages was all I could handle.   I read the disturbing rat torture scene and I just couldn't bring myself to read anymore. The film does not include this scene, thankfully. In the hands of the wrong director this film could have very easily turned out to be a silly torture porn movie but Marry Harron manages to make a really stylish and some might say thought provoking film.

The film only gets a 6 out of 10 from me because I neither loved or hated it, it was just a bit meh. Sure it looks good, the soundtrack is great and Christian Bale gives a good performance but it just doesn't do anything for me. It's not a bad movie, it kept my attention for the duration but when it ended I was a bit, so what. Nothing is resolved by the end of this movie and you have to make up your own mind about who is Patrick Bateman and did he commit all those murders and I do like an ambiguous ending.

I did feel that Reese Witherspoon and Willem Dafoe were criminally underused and their characters were a bit pointless but this is Bales' movie and he carries it well. There are some great scenes and at times it is quite funny, Bale doing the moonwalk before axing Jared Leto was inspired and really made me laugh out loud.

Now I'd love to sit and critique this film some more but I have to return some videotapes!

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