Tuesday 12 August 2014

Network (1976) - #271

Empire top 301: #271
IMDb top 250:

Rating 6/10

Director: Sidney Lumet
Writers: Paddy Chayefsky
Starring: Faye Dunaway, William Holden, Peter Finch, Robert Duvall, Ned Beatty & Beatrice Straight

"I'm mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

Howard Beale (Finch) has been the longtime anchor of the UBS Evening News. He suddenly learns from his oldest and best friend Max Schumacher (Holden) that he only has two weeks left on air, due to declining ratings. During his next broadcast Beale tells the nation that he will commit suicide live on air during his final broadcast. Beale is fired but given the opportunity to go out gracefully and apologise for his outburst. When next on air, Beale apologises but then proceeds to rant that life is bullshit. This second outburst sees a spike in the ratings and led by the head of the network's programming department, Diane Christensen (Dunaway) they decide to capitalise on the success of Beale's rants and keep him on air. Eventually, giving him his own show where he is hailed as "the mad prophet of the airwaves".

Network was another film I had never seen and was really looking forward to. It regularly shows on "greatest movie moments" TV shows and it's performances, Peter Finch's in particular, are always praised. Whilst I agree there are some great acting scenes in this picture by the end of the movie I just felt like I'd been shouted at for the last 2 hours. Every actor in this piece has a "screaming" moment, whereby they chew the scenery and yell their lines at their co-stars.

I found the characters in the film really interesting, even though they were all pretty loathsome. But unfortunately I couldn't connect/appreciate them because of the constant screaming of the actors.

The writing is excellent and the premise of the movie - allowing a man to have a breakdown live on air for viewing figures - whilst not completely shocking now, must have been rather uncomfortable viewing back in 1976.

Whilst I'm glad I've now finally seen it, I can't say I'll be recommending it. I'm not sure I get the fuss.

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