Sunday 29 December 2013

United 93 (2006) - #DidntMakeTheListButShouldHave

Empire top 301: -
IMDb top 250: -

Rating 10/10

Director: Paul Greengrass
Writers: Paul Greengrass

"This is a suicide mission. We have to do something. They are not gonna land this plane." 

United 93 is the story of the fourth plane hijacked on September 11th 2001 during the terrorist attacks against America. United 93 was the only plane hijacked on the day that did not reach it's target. The movie tells from the moment United 93 takes off right through to it's conclusion and also about the other hijacked planes.   

United 93 was one of the films on the list that I was most excited about watching, I'd been threatening to watch it for years and have heard great things but I always put it off. Perhaps it was the subject matter and the fact I knew it was going to be difficult to watch. I am so glad I've finally watched it now, to say I loved it would be an understatement. This movie is superb!!! Paul Greengrass is a master at building up tension and suspense and my heart was pounding throughout and I actually was on the edge of my seat. 

I found myself shocked, sad, terrified, baying for blood during the last forty minutes and ultimately spent when the film finished. It drained me but I loved every minute of it. The events of 9/11 are so shocking and awful it still has the power to sadden me, whenever I see something 9/11 related it takes me back to the day when I saw it happen on the television, it was shocking then, it's still shocking now. 

The acting is exceptional, from everyone! The film is quick paced and frantic and every actor does an outstanding job. During the control room scenes it's hard to believe they're actually actors, they're so good and convincing. The way the movie is filmed also makes it feel very realistic and this really heightens your emotions. The scenes were the passengers phone their loved ones broke me and a few tears were shed, the fact this actually happened only made it worse, it must've have been truly awful. The movie is unflinching and hard to watch but it should be watched, by everyone! 

I cannot recommend this film enough it is outstanding!!! How it never made the top 301 I'll never know!!

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