Monday 30 December 2013

Rushmore (1998) - #211

Empire top 301: #211
IMDb top 250: -

Rating 7/10

Director: Wes Anderson
Writers: Wes Anderson & Owen Wilson
Starring: Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray, Olivia Williams, Luke Wilson, Seymour Cassel & Brian Cox

"War does funny things to men."

Max Fischer (Schwartzman) attends Rushmore school, a school he has always wanted to be a part of. He is both Rushmore's most extracurricular and least scholarly student, with his grades slipping due to extracurricular activities Rushmore's Headmaster informs Max that if his grades don't improve he will be expelled. Herman Blume (Murray) is a millionaire industrialist with two children he doesn't like and a wife who has no interest in him. Herman admires Max and the two become friends. Both Max and Herman fall in love with the first grade teacher at Rushmore, recently widowed Rosemary Cross (Williams) and the two fall out trying to win her heart. After Max tries to build an aquarium on the baseball diamond at Rushmore he is expelled and has to attend a public school.

I was really not expecting to enjoy this movie, I've always thought it was going to be one of those 'you have to be in on the joke, to get it' kind of movies. How wrong was I. Rushmore is really really funny. Owen Wilson and Wes Anderson and written some hilarious dialogue; the script is excellent. I particularly liked Magnus's (the scottish kid) dialogue and his put downs of Max were LOL funny. 

Jason Schwartzman is so funny, he delivers all of his lines in a complete deadpan way and this just makes the dialogue even funnier. The character of Max is completely inappropriate but hilarious - "we both have dead people in our families". Not so much now, but in this movie Jason could pass for a young Tom Cruise. Bill Murray is good, but it's a performance I've seen him give countless times before, he's a dab hand at the weathered kind of miserable man and could do it in his sleep. 

Luke Wilson has a short role as Rosemary's friend Pete and he's involved in the extremely funny dinner scene which has some great lines in it. Olivia Williams does widow well, see a well known M. Night Shyamalan film for further details. 

I definitely think this is one of those marmite type films that people will think is hilarious and really love or won't get it and think it's awful. I enjoyed it and it kept me entertained for it's 1hr33min running time, I thought the soundtrack was pretty cool too and I actually loved the stage sets for Max's plays; only wish my school plays had have been like that, people might have actually went to see them.  

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