Monday 5 May 2014

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) - #6

Empire top 301: #6
IMDb top 250: #18

Rating 10/10

Director: George Lucas
Writers: George Lucas
Starring: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Alec Guinness, James Earl Jones, Peter Cushing & David Prowse

"May the force be with you!"

a group of freedom fighters known as the Rebel Alliance plot to destroy the powerful Death Star space station, a devastating weapon created by the evil Galactic Empire. This conflict disrupts the isolated life of farmboy Luke Skywalker (Hamill) when he inadvertently acquires the droids carrying the stolen plans to the Death Star. After the Empire begins a cruel and destructive search for the droids, Skywalker decides to accompany Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi (Guinness) on a daring mission to rescue the owner of the droids, rebel leader Princess Leia (Fisher), and save the galaxy.

After the disappointment of watching Episodes 1 - 3 it's easy to forget that George Lucas created this amazing movie. Here he has created one of the greatest movies ever, filled with some of the silver screens greatest characters. Having been born in the 80's I can't even begin to imagine what it was like for kids in 1977 to see this movie on the big screen, when there was nothing else out quite like it. The enormity of it and the sound must have been something else! I have seen this film at the cinema but it was the re-release where Mr Lucas decided to include some really unnecessary extras.......That scene with Jabba!! Just no! 

However, I don't want to focus on those silly re-releases. A New Hope, to me, still looks as amazing today and still holds my attention as it did when I was a kid. I must have seen this movie thousands of times but I'm still completely transfixed when I watch it. From the opening moments of that Starship flying over the top of the camera pursuing Princess Leia's ship Tantive IV to the closing battle in the trenches of the Death Star, A New Hope is a superb piece of filmmaking. The fact a lot of the techniques and effects where created whilst filming just makes it even more spectacular.

Adding to the beautiful things you are seeing on screen is John Williams unforgettable, iconic score. You hear the sound of the 20th Century Fox music then up comes the opening title card "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." and then it strikes in...BOOM!! George Lucas said in his AFI acceptance speech that Star Wars wouldn't be Star Wars had it not been for John Williams beautiful score, and I think he's right.

It's a well known story that Harrison Ford famously said to George Lucas of his script "you can type this shit, but you can't say it" but he's so wrong. The cast are all amazing and deliver the silly lines so well you don't even care they're using words that don't exist. The cast are so believable in their roles. It's Harrison Ford who runs away with this movie and it's no surprise that when kids came out from seeing the film they wanted to be Solo and not Skywalker. He's just so effortlessly cool, charming, funny and he has the greatest sidekick ever in Chewbacca! Not to mention his costume is AWESOME!

Now Chewbacca is a great character, he's loyal and brave and instantly loveable. Something I think Lucas tried to recreate with Jar Jar Binks but failed miserably. Hamill is great as Skywalker and I love his scenes with Guinness, throughout the original trilogy. It's known that Guinness hated working on Star Wars and found the dialogue ridiculous and he only really did it for the money, even if that's the case he still shows why he was such a good actor as he plays Obi-Wan seriously and brilliantly. He made a lot of money from the film and received an Academy Award nomination for his performance so not all bad. 

For me though, there is one character that blows them all out of the water. A character I have loved since the first time I saw them, and one I can't wait to see reprised in Episode VII. A vision in white with a now iconic hairstyle....Princess Leia. It would have been very easy to have Princess Leia as just a damsel in distress but Lucas wrote Leia as much more than that, and Carrie Fisher played her better than what was written on the pages. Leia goes head to head with the baddest guy in the galaxy without any fear and refusing to give up the location of the Rebel Alliance, she's capable of looking after herself and more than adept at using a blaster! To me Leia is one of cinema's greatest female creations! 

Prior to it's release Star Wars was seen as a 'little' movie and a bit of a joke, by the movie industry and even the cast and crew. How wrong where they! It's now rightfully become one of the most beloved movies in history and with more new Star Wars movies on the way it will pass on to future generations who will fall in love with the Star Wars universe!  

In my personal Top Ten this is my third favourite movie of all time! And the Stormtrooper costume is still one of my favourites ever!

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