Wednesday 13 November 2013

Aliens (1986) - #19

Empire top 301: #19
IMDB top 250: #60

Rating 10/10

Director: James Cameron
Writers: James Cameron
Starring: Sigourney Weaver, Michael Biehn, Jenette Goldstein , Bill Paxton & Lance Henriksen

"Get away from her, you BITCH!" 

Set 57 years after the events of the first Alien movie, Ripley (Weaver) has been in a deep sleep drifting through space. After being rescued she tries to convince her employer of the disaster aboard the Nostromo. Her employer advises the planet LV-426 has been colonised. The company soon lose contact with the terraforming colony on LV-426 and dispatch a team of marines to the planet to investigate. After suffering constant nightmares about what happened aboard the Nostromo, Ripley wants to face her demons and agrees to go back to LV-426 and help the marines investigate what has happened. 

Where Scott's first Aliens film was all about atmosphere and build up, Cameron's Aliens is just all out action! Once the marines land on LV-426 and first encounter the Aliens it's pretty full on until the end of the movie. Like the first movie, this film has some great tense and suspenseful moments and some brilliant jumpy bits. It also has an amazing score and sound effects. 

The thing that makes Aliens score higher than Alien for me, is the characters. I think the supporting characters in Aliens are some of the strongest from any movie. Whilst Weaver's Ripley steals the show (more on her later), the rest of the cast are just as impressive and I absolutely love their characters. Hudson is my favourite and I think Paxton did a great job. Vasquez, Hicks and Bishop are also superbly written and portrayed. 

Sigourney Weaver is just amazing. Partly down to Weaver but also to Cameron who has managed to develop the character from a straight laced by the book, sort of frightened character to a strong, knows how to handle herself woman and make it believable. I think it's with Aliens that Ripley became the sort of template for the modern day action heroine! Weaver delivers a great performance and has some real acting scenes to sink her teeth into; each time I watch this movie I still find myself glued to the screen!

Cameron does carry over some of the tatics used in the first movie in terms of building the suspense with clever camera work but he also manages to show more of the Aliens and still make them scary. Cameron has just made a really fun, exciting movie and it's one that I can watch over and over again and never get bored. 

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