Monday 14 October 2013

The Terminator (1984) - #107

Empire top 301: #107
IMDb top 250: #174

Rating 8/10

Director: James Cameron
Writers: James Cameron

"I'll be back!"

The franchise has now became more known for it's Arnie catchphrases (see above), poor sequels (not including T2) and on set meltdowns (remember Christian Bale's rant at some poor crew member), but the first Terminator released almost 30 years ago is a genuine landmark in Sci-Fi action/horror filmmaking. Schwarzenegger is a cyborg assassin sent back in time from the year 2029 to "Terminate" Sarah Connor (Hamilton), the mother of John Connor, who will grow up and lead humanity in the war against the machines.  Kyle Reese (Biehn) - a human - is also sent back in time to protect Sarah against the deadly cyborg. 

This is the movie that made James Cameron a real force in Hollywood and it's no surprise, his script is clever, interesting and quite dark with some brilliant, quotable dialogue (most, if not all said by Arnold) and his direction is great with bucket loads of tension and superb action set pieces. The special effects, animatronics and make-up do, at times, look a little dated by todays standards but the fact they did what they did with such little budget is astonishing. 

The acting is alright, if maybe a little bit hammy in places. Schwarzenegger is perfectly cast as the Terminator, a cyborg of few words but with a massive presence. The few words he does have are delivered brilliantly and hilariously and are so ingrained in pop culture that even if you've never seen the movie you know the quotes and you know who says them. Michael Biehn is a bit hammy at times but not a completely terrible performance and Linda Hamilton's shocking perm will distract you from any kind of performance she is giving, which on the whole is pretty good.

Now, I can't talk about The Terminator without talking about the amazing score. The film features one of the best electronic scores ever! The main theme by Brad Fiedel is instantly recognisable and once in your head you'll be humming it all day long. 

The Terminator is by no means a perfect film; it does look a bit dated now and the Sarah & Kyle romance seems a bit obvious and not needed however, it is a film filled with some great, tension filled, scary moments, some laugh out loud brilliant dialogue and a pitch perfect performance from Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's rightly so become a bit of a classic and it's definitely one to watch! 

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